Baro Cudurkaaga: Astaamihiisa iyo Maarayntiisa
Baro Cudurkaaga: Astaamihiisa iyo Maarayntiisa
Dr Maxamed Xaashi Shire MD
Qiimaha caadiga ah
350 SEK
Qiimaha caadiga ah
Qiimaha iibka
350 SEK
Qiimaha cutubka
Canshuurta waa ku jirtaa
Iftiinka Aqoonta | | Somali | 307p
This book provides a detailed guide to understanding various diseases, their symptoms, and treatments in Somali. It covers general illnesses, women's health, children's diseases, diabetes, hypertension, and infectious diseases like tuberculosis, malaria, and AIDS. Medical professionals have endorsed the book, highlighting its value in educating the Somali community about healthcare in their native language. Dr. Maxamed Xaashi Shire's work aims to bridge the knowledge gap in medical awareness, empowering individuals to recognize symptoms early and seek appropriate treatment.
Lama soo dejin karo macluumaadka qaadashada
- Ku soo gudbeysa 1–2 maalmood
- Siyaasad Fudud oo 14-Maalin ah
- Bixin Ammaan ah