Culuumta Maansada: Aqoonta iyo Abtirinta Maansada
Culuumta Maansada: Aqoonta iyo Abtirinta Maansada
Siciid Maxamuud Gahayr
Qiimaha caadiga ah
200 SEK
Qiimaha caadiga ah
Qiimaha iibka
200 SEK
Qiimaha cutubka
Canshuurta waa ku jirtaa
Iftiinka Aqoonta | 2012 | Somali | 239p
Culuumta Maansada by Siciid Maxamuud Gahayr is a comprehensive study of Somali poetry, exploring its structure, themes, and significance. The book delves into various poetic forms, including maanso, maahmaah, sheeko, and suugaan, providing readers with a deep understanding of Somali literary traditions. It also examines the evolution of poetry and its role in Somali culture, making it an invaluable resource for students, researchers, and poetry enthusiasts. With insightful analysis and contributions from renowned Somali poets, this book is a must-read for anyone looking to expand their knowledge of Somali literature and oral traditions.
Lama soo dejin karo macluumaadka qaadashada
- Ku soo gudbeysa 1–2 maalmood
- Siyaasad Fudud oo 14-Maalin ah
- Bixin Ammaan ah