Guurka iyo Sheekooyinkiisa
Guurka iyo Sheekooyinkiisa
Cabdilqaadir Nuur Xuseen (Maax)
Qiimaha caadiga ah
230 SEK
Qiimaha caadiga ah
Qiimaha iibka
230 SEK
Qiimaha cutubka
Canshuurta waa ku jirtaa
Iftiinka Aqoonta | 2015 | Somali | 247p
Guurka iyo Sheekooyinkiisa by Cabdirisaaq Nuur Xuseen (Maax) is an insightful book exploring the customs, traditions, and wisdom surrounding Somali marriage. It includes 160 stories about courtship and relationships, 15 different types of marriage in Somali culture, and over 200 key terms related to marriage and family life. Additionally, the book features 15 poems on love and marriage, as well as 160 proverbs connected to weddings and partner selection. This book is a valuable resource for those interested in Somali social customs, offering a deep understanding of marriage through storytelling, poetry, and cultural expressions.
Lama soo dejin karo macluumaadka qaadashada
- Ku soo gudbeysa 1–2 maalmood
- Siyaasad Fudud oo 14-Maalin ah
- Bixin Ammaan ah