Hal Fari Fool ma Dhaqdo
Hal Fari Fool ma Dhaqdo
Caliqeyr M. Nuur
Qiimaha caadiga ah
150 SEK
Qiimaha caadiga ah
Qiimaha iibka
150 SEK
Qiimaha cutubka
Canshuurta waa ku jirtaa
Iftiinka Aqoonta | | Somali | 86p
Hal Fari Fool Ma Dhaqdo by Caliqeyr M. Nuur is a unique and imaginative literary work belonging to the 'Utopia' genre, reminiscent of Orwell’s Animal Farm. This thought-provoking story takes place in a world where animals, rather than humans, lead the narrative. Through poetic storytelling, lions recite poetry, and other animals chant songs, illustrating themes of oppression, resistance, and unity. The tale follows the inhabitants of the jungle as they rise against their oppressors, striving to build a peaceful and prosperous society. A remarkable contribution to Somali literature, this book blends prose and poetry to create a powerful allegory.
Lama soo dejin karo macluumaadka qaadashada
- Ku soo gudbeysa 1–2 maalmood
- Siyaasad Fudud oo 14-Maalin ah
- Bixin Ammaan ah