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Maan Tahriibeen

Maan Tahriibeen

Maxamuud C/risaaq Xuseen Nur-dirir (Qaamuus)

Qiimaha caadiga ah 200 SEK
Qiimaha caadiga ah Qiimaha iibka 200 SEK
Iibin Waa la iibsaday
Canshuurta waa ku jirtaa

Iftiinka Aqoonta | 2014 | Somali | 165p

Maan Tahriibeen by Maxamuud C/risaaq Xuseen Nur-diriir (Qaamuus) is a powerful and emotional narrative about migration, telling the untold struggles of those who embark on the perilous journey of tahriib. Based on real events, the book presents firsthand accounts from witnesses, capturing the depth of human suffering and resilience. Written in a storytelling format, it evokes strong emotions while offering lessons on the consequences of migration. This book is both an eye-opening read and a historical record of one of the most pressing issues faced by Somali youth today.

  • Ku soo gudbeysa 1–2 maalmood
  • Siyaasad Fudud oo 14-Maalin ah
  • Bixin Ammaan ah
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Maan Tahriibeen
Maan Tahriibeen
Maan Tahriibeen
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200 kr/kiiba 0 kr